Second Life Scenario




Second Life Scenario - Geometry Tutorial



The scenario that Team One decided on is how we could use Second Life (SL) effectively to deliver instruction for an e-learning environment.   The tutorial is based on a face-to-face Case Study describing students as they learn different polygons such as triangles, squares, diamonds, etc...   Team One decided on creating a tutorial in SL so that students could engage in "real world" experiences by finding different virtual shapes resembling each polygon. 


Original, Face-to-Face Lesson

Originally, this lesson involved giving out a list of polygons that the students would have to draw each and write the definition; the concept behind this was so that the students would memorize the shapes and hopefully be ready for thier TAKS testing.  As a group, we discussed different possiblities of enhancing this lesson by modifiying it.  Two years ago, the case study was taken to a new height.  As a Master Technology Teacher for the Donna ISD, we modified the lesson by adding the new available technology such as digital cameras, computers, and Paint.  This was quite an expensive upgrade for the district because we had to purchase digital cameras.  The next issues was training the students on how to use the camera, along with safety.  We discussed how to carry and mostly not to drop it.  The number one rule was no horse-playing.  The students were given a list of polygons and asked to go on a scavenger hunt.  They were assigned to different groups and were taken outside to find the different shapes.  The goal of the student was to find the object, take a picture, then return and download their work to a computer.  Once the work was downloaded to a computer then they would open the images in Paint and outline the polygon they found.  The next step was to add a description on how they found the polygon and define the shape by it sides.   The lesson was a great success because they were able to find every polygon that was assigned.


Team One decided to use this lesson because it would benefit the district; we would not need to purchase additional cameras or other technology.  The only thing that had to be done was have the student learn to use SL and be able to navigate.  The students had to learn to take screenshots of SL, replacing the physical camera.  The images were then saved to the computer's hard drive, then opened in paint.  The student's access to this new technology enhanced their abilities to learn. 


Examples to compare the "First Life" Lesson with the SL Lesson


Here is an example of work in First Life.

In the original "first life" lesson,, students went out to the real world and took images of different forms of polygons.  Each student uploaded their pictures to their computers.  Once they had successfully saved their images,  they were opened with Paint.  Students outlined each image to show the polygon.    


Here is an example of an image of a triangle in Second Life.

In SL, the students logged on and navigated SL to find different polygons.  Each student took a screenshot of each object and saved it to their computer's hard drive.  Once the images had been saved they were opened in Paint.  Students outlined each shape.  Once the image was outlined, the student uploaded it to a Wiki and added a brief description on how they found it and defined it.